Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions»


Слайд #1

Welcome to the world of jobs and professions
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #1

Слайд #2

Warming upListen to the conversation of two students and try to guess how much money does the student spent on food and cloths
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #2

Слайд #3

Warming upListen to the conversation of two students and try to guess how much money does the student spent on food and cloths
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #3

Слайд #4

Look at the pictures and try to name the jobs
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #4

Слайд #5

Readinga) Pre-readingRead new words and words combinations before reading a text
to choose (chose, chosen) — обирати
to make money — заробляти гроші nurse — медсестра to earn — зароблятиto be out of work — бути безробітним unemployed — безробітний skilled — кваліфікованийsuccessful — успішний poorly paid — погано оплачуванийto transfer — переміщати sales — продажа to sell — продавати
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #5

Слайд #6

at the same time – в той самий час
blue-collar worker – робочий
White collar – офісний працівник
to take out – повести на погулянку
night classes – вечірні уроки
extra training – додаткове навчання
promote – сприяти, просувати
retire – залишати посаду
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #6

Слайд #7

b) While reading
At Work: Jobs 
My name is Martha Glass. I'm thirty-nine years old and I'm a doctor. I chose the medical profession because I wanted to help people and at the same time make good money. When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher or a nurse, but I soon realized there wasn't much money in either of those professions.
My parents almost didn't help me, because they didn't want me to have a career at all. They wanted me to do what so many other girls did. They wanted me to become a secretary, marry the boss, have kids and stay at home. Well, I got married, and I had kids, but I have my career as well.
Hi. I'm Billy. I left school when I was sixteen. I didn't have any qualification. I just wanted to earn some money. I got a job in a factory. I didn't mind being a blue-collar worker. All I wanted was enough money to take my girlfriend out on a Saturday night. But then they got robots in to do my job and I was out of work.
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #7

Слайд #8

I was out of work for sixteen months. It's terrible being unemployed. The days seem so long. I finally got a job as an unskilled labourer, working for a builder. I'm twenty-five now. I suppose I should go to night classes and get some extra training so that I can earn more money as a skilled worker can.
My name is George Rushton. I'm a businessman. I'm fifty years old and I've been working for the same company for twenty-five years. I think I've had a very successful career. I started work with the company as a poorly paid clerk. I was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.
I hated it. So I was transferred to sales and became one of the company's sales representatives. I travelled all over the country selling the company's products and became the most successful salesperson on the staff. In ten years I have been promoted to manager of the sales department. In another ten years I hope to retire with a good pension.
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #8

Слайд #9

c) Post-readingAnswer the questions
How old is Martha Glass?
What is she?
Why did she decide to be a doctor?
Did her parents help her?
Does she have her own family?
When did Billy left the school?
Did he want to earn money?
Why was he out of work?
Who is George Rushton?
How old is he?
Who is a white-collar?
Did he travel around the world?
What plans does he have for the future?
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #9

Слайд #10

SpeakingRefer the jobs above to the characteristic below
Dangerous jobs
Jobs which require a university degree
Jobs which are primarily done by men
Jobs which are primarily done by women
Jobs which are most prestigious
Jobs which are lest prestigious
Jobs which are well paid
Jobs are low paid
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #10

Слайд #11

Group Work
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #11

Слайд #12

A secretary types letters.
A teacher teaches maths to students.
A postman delivers letters.
An optician tests your eyes.
A mechanic repairs your car.
A porter carries your suitcases.
A cook cooks meals.
A hairdresser cuts your hair.
A waiter serves you at a restaurant.
10. A surgeon performs operation at a hospital.
11. A nurse helps ill people.
12. An architect designs buildings.
13. A receptionist answers phone calls.
14. A journalist interviews people.
15. A director makes films.
16. A dressmaker sews clothes.
17. A farmer grows crops.
18. A novelist writes novels.
19. A photographer takes photographs.
20. An electrician installs electrical equipment.
21. A butcher sells meat.
22. An actor plays a part in a film.
23. A conductor directs the performance of an orchestra.
24. A chauffeur drives a private car.
25. A dustman clears household refuse.
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #12

Слайд #13

Grammar Point
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #13

Слайд #14

Grammar Point
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #14

Слайд #15

Let's Practise
1. Put the verbs in the correct past simple form:
1. ………………… (you/ meet) Sue yesterday?
2. The teacher …………… (give) us a lot of homework for Wednesday.
3. ………………… (Tony/ sell) his car to his neighbour?
4. The weather ……………… (not/ be) as good as we ……………… (expect).
5. Who ………………… (come) around at 6:30?
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous tense:
1. I …………………… (revise) for the maths exam all night long.
2. My father ………………… (mend) the car after lunch.
3. Vince …………………… (listen) to music with me.
4. Who …………………… (make) so much noise at break?
5. Paul …………………… (not/do) the task, he …………………… (talk) to Sue.
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past: simple or continuous:
1. While I ………………… (study), Sam …………… (play) computer games.
2. Tina ……………… (lay) the table when the guests …………………… (arrive).
3. Sarah ………………… (wear) a nice fancy dress costume.
4. The sun ……………… (shine) when we ………………… (get up) this morning.
5. What ……………………… (the children/ do) when the teacher ………………… (arrive).
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #15

Слайд #16

Do the Puzzle
Презентація на тему «Welcome to the world of jobs and professions» - Слайд #16